Application of modern techniques to force feeding of geese
Fatty liver production in force-fed Landaise geese is lower (624 g) when the birds are crammed with ground corn in comparison with whole cooked grain (893 g). A modification of intestinal transit lead to a decrease in the apparent metabolisable energy value of the ground corn (sometimes more than 800 kcal/kg) and can explain this lower production. The digestive value of corn is in relation to the fatty liver production and weight gain during cramming r = 0,73 and r = 0,90 respectively. The use of a special additive during this period (minerals, vitamins, ....) increase the corn digestibility but the fatty liver remains smaller than those produced by the traditional method using whole grain (698 g vs 797 g). Mixing corn flour and whole grain prevents the transit problems by forcing the gizzard to work. Fatty liver production under these conditions is then at the same level (931 g vs 959 g). With this mixture, force feeding is as fast as cramming with ground corn if an appropriate aparatus is used.
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