Waterfowl welfare and rearing conditions for meat and foie gras production
In France, different species and genotypes of waterfowl are reared for the production of foie gras and/or meat. Goose farming is very limited at present and the species reared are Muscovy ducks for meat and male mule ducks (Muscovy and Pekin duck hybrids) for foie gras and meat. Welfare issues in ducks relate mainly to varied rearing conditions (confinement, cage, density, floor, access to water), and the practice of beak and nail trimming to prevent pecking and cannibalism. At present however, it is foie gras production that raises the most controversy, despite the lack of scientific evidence to validate criticisms that force-feeding is detrimental to birds, causing pathology, stress and pain. Rearing in individual cages prevents ducks expressing certain behaviours considered as behavioural priorities. Conditions for multiple cage rearing are still to be defined. With this aim, a number of research programmes are in progress and should contribute to improving the overall conditions of foie gras production.
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