Genomic markers usable for meat quality assessment
Sequencing and annotation of the genomes of the main animals producing meat or flesh, have enabled the development of genomic studies in the last decade. The techniques developed allow the detection of mutations in the genome called QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci). These approaches allowed the detection of major genes (mutations with a major effect on a character) suche as the "double muscling" gene in cattle and sheep, RN halothane gene in pigs. QTL associated with quality, such as the speed of post-mortem pH decrease in chickens, have been revealed. Transcriptomics and proteomics allow respectively the analysis of relative abundance of mRNA and protein. Proteins or mRNA whose abundance is associated with meat quality traits have been detected in pigs, cattle, chickens and trout. They are potential biomarkers for understanding and controlling qualities of interest for each species. The ongoing development of tools for quality evaluation will allow applications on the live animal especially for the adaptation of the breeding system to its quality potential. Applied to carcasses it will help to orientate the destination of carcasses or cuts. These biomarkers will also be useful to provide phenotypic measures for application in genomic selection applied to meat quality.
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