Ecopathology : a method of evaluating the health of farmed animals
Published : 31 July 1991
Ecopathology is a scientific approach developed in France in order to attempt to solve multifactorial pathological problems found in intensive farming. We have taken various ecopathological investigations carried out in France as examples and have presented the important points which characterise the ecopathological approach. Ecopathology is realised in intensive farming situations and necessitates, after careful preparation using a study group, the collaboration of, in particular, vets, farming technicians and farmers. Ecopathology relies on the use of specific methods of data processing, those of multidimensional statistics. It leads to the identification of risk factors, which, when taken into account in farm hygiene programme enables farmers to use suitable non-medical solutions in order to resolve the principle problems inherent in the disease with multifactorial aetiology, present in their farm. This new approach will develop new tools to help with decision making (references for farming, expert systems). It will also provide hypotheses which may permit, in the case of a complementary traditional scientific approach, further understanding relative to the pathological states concerned.
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