Diversity of extensive sheep farming in Montmorillonais (France)
Management practices in 13 extensively farmed sheep flocks (stocking level less than 1 LU/ha principal forage surface) in Montmorillonais (a west-central region of France) were analysed using three criteria : testing autonomous foraging possibilities (distributing only small amounts of concentrate), records of first semester sales (high levels of lamb sales) and simplicity of farming conditions. Three different farming styles were identified that either limited the amount of concentrate used, encouraged sales early in the year, or that involved both of these factors. The most autonomic systems had a very low stocking level (0.6-0.8 LU/ha) where the savings in concentrate affected both the ewes and the lambs. A simple farming style, indicated by a stable grouping of ewes, was observed in situations where the farmer was the only permanent employee (4 out of 6 cases), although the farming styles were not uniform in the different cases. The technical and economic performances (gross margin per ewe) were more or less equivalent whatever the management style or ewe grouping. Taking into account the spreading of lambing throughout the year, the different ways of grouping ewes and the changes in stocking level during the winter all helped to clarify the technical questions associated with extensive farming.
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