Diagnosis and monitoring of pregnancy in sheep : reality and perspectives
The present review aims at presenting different methods for pregnancy diagnosis. Since these methods are to be used in the herds, precocity, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy to predict pregnant and non-pregnant ewes, and the possibility to determine fetal numbers are carefully analysed. The progesterone assay is accurate as early as day 17th after fecundation ; but the fertilization day must be precisely known. The pregnancy specific or associated glycoproteins (PSPB/PAG) assay is highly sensitive and specific at day 22 in blood and at day 32 in milk samples. However, this assay does not allow to predict the fetal number. The ultrasonography B-mode used on 30 days of gestation gives very good or excellent performance in terms of sensitivity and specificity depending on the practitioner. The method is also able to predict the real time fetal number.
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