Discoloration of sheep carcass subcutaneous fat
Published : 10 October 1990
Color and firmness characteristics of 27 samples of lamb carcass subcutaneous fat (4 white, 4 yellow, 19 brown-red) are described using different methods (including spectrocolorimetry). For some samples, data on lamb fattening conditions were available. White adipose tissues, considered as normal, were firm ; a low concentration in heme pigments was observed (probably residual oxyhemoglobin after slaughter). These samples came from grazing lambs. Yellow adipose tissues were pigmented with carotenoids and/or bilirubin. Their firmness was rather similar to white adipose tissues. Reasons for yellow discoloration are presented. Most brown-red adipose tissues came from animals that were fattened with concentrates. These tissues were soft because of a lower lipid proportion and a change in fatty acid composition. Brown-red discoloration has been explained by 1) an effect of softness on light reflectance, 2) an excess in heme pigment concentration, 3) peroxydation of insaturated fattv acids.
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