Artificial insemination of geese
In France, artificial insemination of geese is rarely practiced. It could, however, increase the number of goslings produced. Different studies have been conducted at the Experimental Station of “Palmipèdes à Foie Gras" in order to establish physiological and technical basis for artificial insemination. Dorso-abdominal massage of the ganders allowed the collection of about 0.3 ml of semen containing 150 million spermatozoa. About 40 % of the males do not respond to this stimulation. The best male donors could be selected at the beginning of the reproductive season. Three to five times a week was determined to be the most efficient frequency of collection. The highest fertility rate (80 % eggs fertile/incubated) was obtained with doses of 20 × 106 spermatozoa, inseminated twice a week separated by an interval of 72 or 96 hours. Dilution of the semen increased its fertilizing ability and consequently decreased the number of spermatozoa required for insemination. Semen can be diluted and stored for a short time (6 hours) without inducing a significant decrease in the fertility rate (71.9 % vs 75.1 % with undiluted fresh semen).
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