
Managing the feeding process can contribute to broiler chicken welfare


The feeding process can lead to locomotion, digestive and metabolic problems, therefor having an impact on the welfare of poultry. The aim of this study was to investigate different feeding systems in order to avoid these problems and to evaluate if feed management can improve broiler welfare. The first requirement for broiler chickens is to have access to a balanced and healthy diet (feed and water). Since broilers have been selected for high growth rate and feed intake, negative consequences on animal welfare (very high feed intake, poor stimulation for moving) are observed. It is therefore difficult to define an optimal diet.

In the present study, different feeding solutions were reviewed and include changes to feed nutritional composition and physical characteristics after which new feeding systems could also be proposed which could enrich the bird’s environment.

Feed management was found to have a limited effect on broiler welfare ; whereas other factors such as animal husbandry and genetics are known to have a major role. Selection programmes should take bird adaptation and welfare into account.



Affiliation : BNA Nutrition Animale, Z.I. de Bellitourne F-53200 Château-Gontier, France

Country : France


Affiliation : ITAVI, Centre INRA de Tours, F-37380 Nouzilly, France

Country : France


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