The production of camel meat: state of knowledge, current situation and prospects
Camel meat is a product regularly consumed in arid countries and it is one of the rare products from this species being subject to a regional export market, even international, if the meat from Australian wild camel is included although a poorly evaluated part of this market is out of the official sector. The main exporting countries are located in the Horn of Africa and the Sahelian area whereas the importing countries are the Gulf States and North Africa. Meat productivity in the camel is rather low although the dressing percentages approach those of cattle, especially in animals coming from the more intensive production systems. However, there is a tradition of pastoral fattening having good results. Camel meat is rather close to beef as well in its total chemical composition as in its gustatory characteristics and nutritive value. However, because of fat concentration in the hump, camel muscles give relatively low-fat meat and are particularly low in cholesterol, which can make a good commercial argument.
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