What is on-farm innovation process? Some examples in livestock farming systems
The term " innovation " is widely used, particularly in the field of research. Innovation differs from invention, and is characterized by different modalities of implementing something new in an existing system. The sources of innovation may be exogenous to the structure, or endogenous where innovation is initiated by the person who controls the structure (here the farms). In agriculture and animal husbandry in particular, organizational innovations (ie do differently by using the same components) are as important as technological innovations (use a new object), especially when the animals are directly concerned. The type of innovation considered, as well as the degree and nature of change associated with it, are essential to understand the innovation process. Similarly, favorable or unfavorable factors must be identified by researchers in order to contribute effectively to this innovative process. Examples in livestock farming systems, in France or elsewhere in the world, illustrate the various concepts related to innovation throughout the text.
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