Once daily milking in Lacaune dairy ewes: Synthesis of a five year study conducted in France
Several experiments were conducted for evaluating the effects of once daily milking (ODM) in Lacaune dairy ewes throughout the milking period. Milk production and composition, udder health, daily feed intake and energy metabolism were individually monitored. The effects of adopting ODM at tje farm and the production region levels were also modelled. INdividual milk yield was 14 % lower either in adult or primiparous ewes. Milk fat and protein contents were lower and higher, respectively, when ewes were fed ad libitum; however, these parameters were almost not modified when diets were adjusted to the actual milk yield. Dry matter intake was not affected by ODM, which led to a marked positive energy balance in ODM ewes. The last was well illustrated by the metabolic profile of the ewes, showing lower body reserves mobilization in ODM ewes. The udder morphology and functioning was only disturbed during the first week of ODM, but it was rapidly recovered without associated further health constraints. At the farm level, adopting the ODM regime showed a decrease in the global farm incomes, possibly to be recovered by starting ODM in the mid-lactation or prolonging the milking period length. Further researches will be required for characterizing in a deeper way the related effects of applying ODM under different feeding and management situations at the flock, farm and regional production scales.
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