
Technological treatments of pulses : application to field bean


Mechanical, hydrothermal and thermal treatments are available to remove or inactivate antinutritionnal factors of pulses and/or to increase the availibility of some seed components. Treatments have to be chosen according to the seed morphology, the localisation of the main components and their sensitivity to physico-chemical factors. In the faba bean example, tannins could be removed through dehulling and antitrypsic factors and lectins through heat and moisture addition. In addition, grinding but also thermal or hydrothermal treatments (roasting, steam-flaking, micronizing, extrusion-cooking and pelleting) are able to greatly modify the accessibility and properties of the major seed components (starch, proteins). Air classification is able to change the composition of the seed. The nutritional and industrial efficiency of technological treatments is connected to the values of their parameters. Separate processes are able to generate similar results. Reversely, very different results are seen using the same process.



Affiliation : INRA Laboratoire de Technologie Appliquée à la Nutrition, BP 527 - 44 026 Nantes cedex 03

Country : France


Affiliation : INRA Laboratoire de Technologie Appliquée à la Nutrition, BP 527 - 44 026 Nantes cedex 03

Country : France


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