Rumen microbial fermentations and their optimization
Enzymes in the digestive tract of ruminants are unable to digest roughages whereas rumen microbes actively degrade and ferment them. Microbes transform dietary organic matter in volatile fatty acids which supply the major supply of energy to animals. Microbial proteins synthetized into the rumen are then digested into the small intestine where they are the major part of amino acids. About 10 % of energy intake is lost by the eruction of gases, which, in addition, contribute to the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere. The quality of milk and meat produced by ruminants is largely influenced by the end products of fermentation supplied to animals. It is now possible, by control of the microbial balance in the rumen, to select the site of digestive (rumen or intestine) ,and to direct fermentations towards the end products desired. Methods currently used in research laboratories to control microbial rumen activity are described. The strictly alimentary aspects of rumen manipulation are not dealt with.
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