The chicken genome sequence and its utility for breeding
In December 2004, the first version of the chicken genome sequence was published three years only after the human one. This work is theresult of more than ten years of research in the field of chicken genomics, started by the realisation of the first genetic maps, followed bythat of BAC clone libraries, cytogenetic maps including the microchromosomes, radiation hybrid maps and the production of EST.Indeed, all the mapping data available help in the assembly of the final sequence. Of course, similar to the first version of the humansequence assembly, the chicken one is not perfect and improvements, in particular for the microchromosomes, will be necessary. Also, thetask of annotating the genome will have to be pursued. However, the fact of having the genome sequence of an increasing number of vertebrateanimals will enable to refine our knowledge through comparative studies. The availability of the chicken genome sequence willenable to replace much of the molecular biology work that was necessary for the determination of the structure, function and polymorphismof genes by performing in silico analyses. This should accelerate the development of molecular markers usable for the selection ofphenotypes of interest in livestock production systems.
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