Evolution of animal performance and robustness in pig farms
The evolution of animal performance levels on French pig farms indicates a significant improvement of sow productivity, without anydegradation of their longevity but with a tendency to a slight increase in piglet mortality. This improvement in performance resultsboth from the genetic gains realised and the improved control of the environment of swine. However, such high performance levelsimply high physiological demands for the sows and piglets, and it may be questioned whether the animals are able to face thesechanges. In sows, the problems of leg weakness and the increased risk of occurrence of nutritional deficit during lactation were identified.With a greater prolificacy, competition among piglets for nutrients, either in utero or during lactation, is enhanced. Althoughon-farm performance of fattening pigs has been improved, it still remains below the genetic potential for certain traits, indicatingsome problems of adaptation. In this context, the sensitivity of pigs to multifactorial diseases remains an important problem. In the future, animal robustness has to be considered while taking into account the expected evolution of pig production systems and changesin regulations. Getting more autonomous pigs, having improved resistance to diseases and higher ability to make use of more diversifiedfeeding resources, could be perspectives for future research.
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