1. What is INRAE Productions Animales?
2. What is the scope of INRAE Productions Animales?
3. Is INRAE Productions Animales peer reviewed?
4. What are your publishing criteria?
5. What type of articles does INRAE Productions Animales publish?
6. Does the journal have article submission charges?
7. What are your publication charges?
8. Who holds copyright on INRAE Productions Animales articles?
9. How do I submit my article?
10. How quickly will I know the decision on my article?
11. What formats does INRAE Productions Animales publish in?
1. What is INRAE Productions Animales?
INRAE Productions Animales is a journal published by INRAE which publishes in open access review articles (maximum 10000 all-inclusive words) allowing the updating of knowledge and articles presenting research results with their possible applications, for all species of interest for animal production (herbivorous, monogastric and fish).
2. What is the scope of INRAE Productions Animales?
INRAE Productions Animales is a journal dedicated to the publication of articles of synthesis in the field of animal husbandry and productions. The journal covers the following disciplinary fields:
Animal Husbandry
Livestock systems
Nutrition and animal feeding
Animal behaviour
Reproductive physiology
Animal health
Animal Genetics
Quality of animal products
Economics of animal productions
Sustainability of animal productions
Livestock and environment
Livestock and society
3. Is INRAE Productions Animales peer reviewed?
Each manuscript is evaluated by two experts in the field of the article. To facilitate a rapid review and publication process, reports must be submitted to the editors within one month of the experts taking over the article.
4. What are your publishing criteria?
A rigorous expertise process ensures that the authors published in the journal have complied with the requirements of scientific rigor and presentation quality necessary for the writing of summary articles addressed to a wide audience (agricultural research and development, professionals animal husbandry, nutrition and animal health, teachers ...):
- Originality and interest of the subject treated for the readers of the journal
- Analysis of the sufficiently complete literature
- Rigor of the interpretation of results and conclusions drawn
- Clarity of presentation and messages delivered through:
- The quality of the written expression
- The appropriate use of illustrations in the form of graphs, diagrams, tables, photographic plates of the use of explanatory boxes according to the case,
- The indication, whenever possible, of the practical conclusions that can be drawn from the summary results presented.
5. What type of articles does INRAE Productions Animales publish?
INRAE Productions Animales publishes only articles of synthesis: bibliographical syntheses or syntheses of experimental results with their possible applications. They summarize, analyze and / or synthesize data already published in primary analytical journals in order to take stock of a well-defined subject. They do not therefore contain, as such, "original" results, but are a reflection of earlier work.
6.Does the journal have article submission charges?
INRAE Productions Animales has no submission charges.
7. What are your publication charges?
INRAE Productions Animales has no publication charges.
8. Who holds copyright on INRAE Productions Animales articles?
The content of the articles published in the journal INRAE Productions Animales belongs to INRAE. The reuse of all or part of the published articles of the journal is subject to prior approval by the management of the journal.
9. How do I submit my article?
The online submission system will be implemented soon. For the moment, please continue to submit your manuscripts by email to:
René Baumont (rene.baumont@inrae.fr)
with copy to:
Pascale Béraud (pascale.beraud@inrae.fr)
Please read the guidelines for authors carefully before starting to prepare your manucrit.
10. How quickly will I know the decision on my article?
We are committed to providing authors with a rapid and constructive review process, with a goal of giving the first decisions within eight weeks (excluding holidays).
11. What formats does INRAE Productions Animales publish in?
Published articles will be available in the following formats: HTML, PDF.
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