
Contractile properties of muscle fibres and exercise performance in horse - a review


The purpose of this paper is to present the state of knowledge about the relationship between the muscle fibres types and the exercise ability in horse. The strength and contractile speed of a muscle is related to the total number of twitching fibres and their contractile properties. Skeletal muscles are the engine of the athlete and lot of studies have been made in exercise physiology to determine the properties and the adaptations of the muscle fibres in response to chronic exercise. The technics of investigation, the physiological characteristics of slow and fast twitch fibres and factors which may affect the contractile properties are presented successively. It is concluded that immunoenzymatic method of muscle fibre typing may be apply to selection.



Affiliation : INRA Station de génétique quantitative 78352 Jouy-en-Josas Cedex

Country : France


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