The pig genetic map
Genome mapping programs have been developed for all the main farm animal species over the last few years. This article describes the present status of the pig genetic map and the prospects for using it in genetic improvement programs. At first, the basic principles of genetic mapping and the main results of the main pig genome mapping programs are presented. Various possible applications of the pig genetic map are then described. The principles and methods involved in the use of genetic markers to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) are presented. The interest of comparative mapping for QTL identification is illustrated from an example involving the genes of the major histocompatibility complex. Some possible uses of the genetic marker information in genetic improvement programs such as the introgression of major genes or marker assisted selection, are then mentioned. Finally, the main research programs involving the pig genetic map which are currently being conducted at INRA are presented (localisation of RN and MU major genes, detection of QTLs explaining genetic differences between Meishan and Large White breeds).
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