
Social acceptability of French livestock production: identification and analysis of the main controversies according to the viewpoints of different stakeholders


Currently, livestock farming and practices are frequently questioned. In this context, the Scientific Interest Group “Livestock farms for the future” (GIS Elevages Demain) conducted an analysis of these debated issues and controversies, in different livestock productions (pigs, poultry, cattle, sheep and goats). A literature review was conducted to understand the foundations of social concerns to livestock and to evaluate their robustness. Moreover, around thirty interviews were carried out with different stakeholders – livestock production professionals, employees of non-governmental organizations, journalists and distributors – in order to describe the main topics of debate affecting French livestock production. Points of view of these stakeholders were analyzed to identify potential consensus or deadlock points which can be classified according to four major issues: environment, animal welfare, human health and production organization. These discussion points vary depending on the livestock or scale observed. The hierarchy between these issues underlines the main challenging questions that the French livestock productions have to face in order to meet the social demands. In addition, the results highlight strong and lasting concerns of society with regard to livestock, which cannot be reduced to "fads".



Affiliation : IFIP-Institut du porc, Pôle Economie, La Motte au Vicomte, BP 35104, F-35651 Le Rheu, France

Country : France


Affiliation : IFIP-Institut du porc, Pôle Economie, La Motte au Vicomte, BP 35104, F-35651 Le Rheu, France

Country : France


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