Overview of sheep milk production in France and its evolution over the last 50 years
Over the past 50 years, dairy sheep production increased by an average of 3.6% per year in France to reach 275 moillion liters. In the 1970s three major technical obstacles to the development of the production were identified: machine milking, breeding conditions and genetic level of the dairy sheep breeds. The main changes in these three areas are described. Based from the beginning on a strong research x development collaboration, the technical solutions took into account the peculiarities of sheep dairying as a one-month suckling before milking-only period, the size of the flocks, and a seasonal production based on grass production in mountain areas. Extension services to farmers are provided through an efficient global approach. The adaptation to sheep, the simplification of the milking routine and more recently the automations enhanced machine milking development. Genetic improvement of the five French dairy sheep breeds is based on breeding programs in their own areas of production in connection with diversified farming systems and quality products. Even though, France is the 5th producer of sheep milk at the European level, it remains a leader in terms of technical development with 60% of sheep following technical assistance programs.
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