The diversity of French cattle farms and their participation to the beef production
The aim of this article is to assess and to characterize French cattle farms according to their technical system. To achieve this purpose, we use a representative sample of french farms, the Farm Accounting Data Network (1995). In our investigation, we used a typology of cattle farms, wich has been built in relation with the experts of the Breeders Institute. Dairy farms are classified into thirty six production types according to their specialization (milk and beef production), to their localization and to their forage system. Suckler farms are classified into six productions types according to their level of production per suckler cow and to the different kinds of animals sold. This study underlines once again the important role of the dairy farms in the national beef production. In this respect, it will be important to take into account the common market organization for milk during the future reform which will aim at reducing the level of beef production.
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