
Gene and Marker assisted selection


Until recently (when genomic selection started at a large scale), most of the selection plans were based on breeding value estimationsfrom phenotypic and pedigree information. Nevertheless, a number of successful breeding schemes were also organized, using informationon genes displaying large effects on the traits or using genomic markers ("Marker Assisted Selection"). These examples carryuseful information about the future of selection. Realizations were polymorphic, both in terms of traits (reproduction, carcass quality,disease resistance…) and organization (counter selection of unfavorable alleles, between breeds introgression, mate selection…).Limits of these schemes, which are detailed in this paper, are constraints which will have to be considered in the future genomic selectionorganization.



Affiliation : INRA, UR 631, Station d’Amélioration Génétique des Animaux, F-31326 Castanet Tolosan, France

Country : France


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