
Extensive farming : opportunity or challenge for agriculture ?


For three decades, the evolution of agricultural systems ca be read as a capital-intensive and labor-extensive process. Labor productivity will remain, in the future, the main condition of agricultural competitiveness as an economic sector. But new trends are coming to light with CAP’s reform : decreasing prices, supply limitations, less production incentives... As a consequence of demographic process, a large number of farms will disappear during the next years. But, pessimistic anticipations of farmers are likely to induce, also, large reductions of agricultural area. Are less capital-intensive systems of animal production able to give credible solutions at farm and regional levels ? Enlargement of farms may be one way, but new types of subsidies will be necessary in the near future, until research is able to supply sounder solutions.



Affiliation : INRA Direction des Centres et de la Politique Régionale, 147, rue de l’Université, 75341 Paris Cedex 07

Country : France


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