
Mother-young relationship during the perinatal period in ruminants


Between ruminant species a number similarities in maternal behaviour become evident immediately after parturition : consumption of foetal membranes and fluids (excepting camelidae), an interest in the neonate and care directed towards it. Maternal care focuses the new-bornÕs attention towards the motherÕs body and favours the success of the first sucking bouts. After this initial phase lasting a few hours, ruminants can be divided into two categories according to the type of spatial association of mother and offspring : species that hide their young for a variable amount of time (e.g. red deer, roe deer, goat, cattle) and those where the young follows the mother soon after birth (e.g. reindeer, sheep). The motheryoung relationship is also characterised by a process of inter-individual recognition that is well developed. Generally the establishment of the mother-young relationship takes place without major problems. However, under certain conditions, by its absence or its selectivity, maternal behaviour can become a factor limiting production.



Affiliation : URA CNRS/INRA 1291, Laboratoire de Comportement Animal, 37380 Nouzilly

Country : France


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