
Genetic variability of susceptibility to TSE in animals


The influence of the Prnp polymorphism on animal susceptibility towards transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) is well described in sheep with the identification of alleles associated with a higher or lower resistance. This has resulted in a selection process that is trying to decrease the incidence of this illness in that species. In other species, studies are currently performed, especially in goats where several Prnp alleles have been observed. Beside the Prnp locus, other genetic factors act on the animal’s susceptibility. The development of genome mapping projects in farm animals has allowed the search for QTL (Quantitatif Trait Loci). This has resulted in the identification of other genes than Prnp that influence the susceptibility of animals towards TSE, although the full characterisation and validation of these genes remain to be performed.



Affiliation : Laboratoire de Génétique biochimique et de Cytogénétique, Département de Génétique Animale, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, F-78352 Jouy-en-Josas Cedex

Country : France


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