
Evolution of animal status and point of views on animal farming in French society : what challenges for agricultural research?


Sociological studies have identified several points of dispute regarding animal farming in France. Furthermore, the consumption of meat products is decreasing except for poultry meat. In this paper, the possible reasons for this trend are analyzed by taking into consideration the views of citizens on animal farming without denying the influence of product prices and household incomes on customers' buying decisions. The evolution of animal status is examined by considering the historical background. Then, various factors which could be involved in developing points of views are considered: economical weight of the animal farming sector, farming and slaughter methods, philosophical debates, religious options, food choices, cultural attitudes, animals in the city, information sources and activism. Finally, some new strategies of agricultural research are highlighted. Interdisciplinary generic knowledge is produced both in animal biology and the livestock farming systems in order to decipher complex mechanisms to propose innovative solutions. In addition, various evaluation methods are developed to improve diagnostics, anticipate the effects of technological innovations, follow the evolution of farming systems according to improvement objectives, and analyze the impact of agricultural research on society.



Affiliation : INRA, UR1037, LPGP, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042, Rennes, France

Country : France


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