
Zootechnical performances of Creole goats in Guadeloupe (French West Indies). A twenty-year survey in an experimental farm


In the Caribbean, goats are mainly raised on the suckling system for meat production. Knowledge concerning the potential productive capacity of local populations remains limited. The purpose of this study was to estimate the non-genetic sources of variation in preweaning performances of Creole goats including reproductive abilities, lactating performances, mortality and growth rates. The results were based on analysing different data bases formed by merging the results of performance monitoring of the experimental flock, which varied from 50 to 220 reproductive does located at INRA-Unité de Recherches Zootechniques.

Overall 599 females had 2135 matings and 1904 kiddings. The age at the first kidding occurred at 17.2+3.1 months and the mean kidding interval was 8.5 months. Average mating and fertility rates were above 90 %. Litter size was 2.1 kids per kidding. More than 80 % of the kiddings had a litter size _ 2 kids born alive and 95 % had zero stillborn ones. Litter size increased with kidding rank until the fifth kidding, where it had augmented by 50 % compared to the first one.

Milk production characteristics were described from 145 lactations recorded in 6 experiments. The mean daily milk production rate after adjusting for the main sources of variation was 792+206 g/d. Lactation curves were characterised by an early and slight production peak during the second week of lactation and 550 vs 1020 g/d for single vs double kid goat suckling, respectively. The fat content of the milk averaged 50 g lipids/kg of milk.

Preweaning performances were estimated from 6375 growing kids. The analysed sources of variation were litter size, sex, rank of lactation and kidding season. The mean mortality rate after adjusting for the main sources of variation was 15.7 %. Body weight at birth (BW) and weaning (BWN) ( at an average age of 82+15 days) were 1.73+0.34 kg and 7.75+1.76 kg respectively. BW and BWN varied with litter size and sex. There was a 15 % difference between single and multiple kids and a 8 to 10 % variation between males and females. Daily weight gain from 10 to 30 days (DWG 10-30d) and DWG 40-70d were 84.3+25.9 and 65.7+24,0 g/d respectively.

From our results, Creole goats presented great reproductive abilities, appeared to be good milk producers and had preweaning performances similar or higher than those recorded for other tropical breeds.



Affiliation : INRA Unité de Recherches Zootechniques Antilles-Guyane, BP 515, 97165 Pointe-à-Pitre Cedex, Guadeloupe (FWI)

Country : Guadeloupe


Affiliation : INRA Unité de Recherches Zootechniques Antilles-Guyane, BP 515, 97165 Pointe-à-Pitre Cedex, Guadeloupe (FWI)

Country : Guadeloupe


Affiliation : INRA Unité de Recherches Zootechniques Antilles-Guyane, BP 515, 97165 Pointe-à-Pitre Cedex, Guadeloupe (FWI)

Country : Guadeloupe


Affiliation : INRA Unité de Recherches Zootechniques Antilles-Guyane, BP 515, 97165 Pointe-à-Pitre Cedex, Guadeloupe (FWI)

Country : Guadeloupe


Affiliation : INRA Unité de Recherches Zootechniques Antilles-Guyane, BP 515, 97165 Pointe-à-Pitre Cedex, Guadeloupe (FWI)

Country : Guadeloupe


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