Publishing system and content

Content visibility and interoperability

The University of Bordeaux platform for open access scholarly journals guarantees the visibility of the documents disseminated thanks to:

  • assigning a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​with the Crossref agency for each article published,
  • the existence of an automated conversion module that allows:
    • the conversion of the full text of the articles from a standard word processing document into an html file on the website of each journal,
    • generating files in XML, ePUB and PDF formats for each edited article,
  • interoperability of publications and metadata with the Open Science ecosystem:
  • the availability of automated access to all metadata and content,
  • all content is searchable with the OAI-PMH protocol, in accordance with the "Go FAIR" principles (open, standardized, structured, documented, valid, easily available and interoperable data and metadata).

More information about the publishing system, Platform and Workflow by OJS/PKP.

This site uses Open Journal Systems, which is open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License. Bug fixes and new features of different releases are listed on OJS release notes page.

